Reimagining Education
to graduate life-ready world-changers
Selected Writing
Reimagining Learning
Life Readiness Education for a World in Crisis, Phil Jarvis and Howard Esbin, December 2021. Introduces a new model of collaborative learning using AllStar Teams Education to optimize project team strengths to tackle real-world issues aligned with the United Nations Sustainable development Goals.
The 4th R: Readiness. Phil Jarvis, ReimaginED, 2021. Describes the reimagined public education system I envisage.
Blogs and LinkedIn Posts
Uncaging Adolescent Creativity, Institute for Research in Public Policy, 2017
New Mantra for Education: Career Readiness, CERIC ContactPoint, 2017 advocating shifting from a transmission of knowledge model of teaching to a personal, hands-on, project-based model of learning
Canada’s School-to-Work Report Card: Grade F, Phil Jarvis, Natcon Papers, Ottawa, 2001
Career Development = Economic Development
Meet the man who made "Do What You Love" a fixture in Canadian schools, Jessica Barrett, Calgary Herald
Chapter 3 - Key to Economic Development, Career Development Practice in Canada, CERIC, 2015
Career Development: Key to Economic Development, TextTalks, CERIC ContactPoint, Episode 1, Phillip Jarvis.
It Takes a Community, Phillip Jarvis, Carer Cruising Blog Post
Career Management Paradigm Shift: Prosperity for Citizens, Windfalls for Governments, Phil Jarvis, Canadian Journal of Career Development, January 2002. Note: This paper inspired: Investing in Career: Prosperity for Citizens, Windfalls for Government, Guidance Council, University of Derby, May 2004, intended to spark a national debate in the United Kingdom
Connecting Talent to Opportunity: Canada’s Foremost Economic Challenge, National Life/Work Center, Memramcook, 2009
Competition, Innovation, and Career Planning, Phil Jarvis, Career Development News, Volume 12, Number 2, Alberta Career Development and Employment, Edmonton, 1991
Career Planning: Developing the Nation’s Primary Resource, Phil Jarvis, STM Systems Corp., Ottawa, 1989
A Nation at Risk: The Economic Consequences of Neglecting Career Development, Phillip Jarvis, STM Systems Corp, American Association of Computer-Based Career Information Systems Annual Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, 1988
Career Choice to Career Building and Management
The Perfect Talent Storm: Implications for Career Practitioners, National Life/Work Center, Memramcook, 2010
Empowering the 21st Century Professional School Counselors, Chapter 26, Jackie Allen, The Real Game Series: Helping Students Imagine Their Future, Phillip Jarvis, Michael Gangitano
Career Management Skills: Keys to a Great Career and a Great Life, Phil Jarvis, National Symposium on Career Development Policy and Practice, Toronto, Symposium Papers, 2003
Vocational Choice to Career Management: Measuring Learning Progress, UddannelsesGuiden (Education Guide), Ministry of Education, Denmark
The Blueprint for Life/Work Designs, ERIC/Semantic Scholar, Phillip Jarvis, Joan Richardt
From Vocational Decision Making to Career Building: Blueprint, Real Games, and School Counseling, Phillip Jarvis and Ethel Keeley, American School Counselors Association Journal, April 2003
A New Era of Career Development, Eastern European Regional Career Development Conference sponsored by The Hungarian Ministry of Education, The European Training Foundation and The World Bank, Keynote presentation in Conference Papers, Budapest, 2000
The Formula for Success in Career Building, Phil Jarvis, National Consultation on Career Development, Ottawa, 2000
Formula Para El Exito en Construccion de la Carrera Professional, P.S. Jarvis, Revista Espanola de Orientacion y Psicopedagogia, Madrid 2001
Career Information and Counselling in the Internet Era, Phillip Jarvis, in Papers of the International Association of Educational and Vocational Guidance, Brasov, Romania, 1997
Career Development in the Global Age, Phillip Jarvis, Communique, Bridging the Gap, January 1992
The threshold of a New Era: Making Career Development Front Page News, Phillip Jarvis, STM Systems Corp., paper delivered at an International Conference on Technology in Career Development, Tallahassee, Florida, 1989
Canada’s Future Demands a New Era in Vocational Guidance, paper delivered at the Canadian Vocational Assessment and Work Adjustment Conference Annual Conference, Ottawa, 1989
CHOICES/Real Game Series
Getting Serious Play: Life Span Career Education, Phil Jarvis, Howard Esbin, Education Canada Vol. 46 (3), Canadian Education Association, 2010.
The Be Real Game 2.1 Digital Edition, Facilitators Guide and Student Zone (500+ pages), National Life/Work Center, Memramcook, 2009
The Real Game 2.1 Digital Edition, Facilitators Guide and Student Zone (500+ pages), National Life/Work Center, Memramcook, 2007
Educators Use Career “Games” To Teach Lifelong Career Management Skills, Phil Jarvis and Michael Gangitano, Techniques, American Association of Career and Technical Educators, January 2004
The Real Game Series: Bringing Real Life to Classrooms Around the World, Phillip Jarvis, National Career Development Association Conference Papers, Chicago,1998
Choices Students and Counsellors Manuals, Phil Jarvis, annual publications for Employment and Immigration Canada, Canada Systems Group, STM Systems Corp, Ottawa, 1978-1987
North American Partnership
The North American Career Development Partnership: Experiment in International Collaboration, Burton Carlson, Robert Goguen, Phillip Jarvis, Juliette Lester, The Career Development Quarterly, Volume 48, Number 4, June 2000