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Do you believe you are here for a reason? If so, what is it?

Would you like to be remembered for making a difference? How?



These are existential questions about the meaning of one’s life. Some people never find answers. Some never really seek answers. Answers to these questions speak to your mission in life, your purpose.


When you create silence and think deeply about these questions, you may receive messages from your inner self. "Callings are urgings from the deep self that tell us what it will take to make our lives literally “come true.” They point us toward awakenings, course-corrections and powerful authenticity." Gregg Levoy, Callings: Finding and Following an Authentic Life


A calling may be to do something (choose or change a career trajectory, learn to play the guitar, start or leave a relationship) or to be something (more creative, less critical, more loving). We may be called toward or away from something, to change, to renew our commitment to something, or to return to a place or pursuit in an entirely new way.


Some people just know what they want to do from a young age, but most find it very difficult to choose one occupation. After all, there are thousands in today's rapidly evolving world of work. New career options appear weekly, as outdated ones disappear. Paradoxically, we are free to choose anything, but can't choose what we don't know exists. Besides, we are all born with the God-given potential to "be" many things but are led to believe we must define ourselves by one occupation. Like most adults before them, the majority of high school students cannot. Despite the daunting cost of some postsecondary options, in money and time, students' choice of a major may be unrelated to a vision of their future that excites them. Little thought is given to possible future employers until after graduation, when the choice may, of necessity, be based more on immediate need for income than fit.


The Traditional Career Paradigm


  • Explore yourself (interests, skills, values)

  • Explore the world of work

  • Choose an occupation

  • Choose a major

  • Choose an educational institution

  • Graduate and find an employer


The Purpose Paradigm

Another approach is to focus on real world issues you care deeply about, and how you want to contribute to making the world better - your purpose.


  1. Explore your career callings, or purpose, using the UN Global Goals

  2. Find employers with missions that align with your callings

  3. See which of the occupations they employ appeal to you most

  4. Find learning paths to your preferred occupations (apprenticeship and skilled trades training, employer-based training, industry certification, vocational technical, military, college, university)

  5. Take Action:

    • Reach out to employers of interest to learn more (information interviews, site visits, summer internships, volunteering)

    • Reach out to people in occupations that appeal to you. Learn their stories and seek their advice on how to position yourself for success (hobbies, courses, volunteering, part-time jobs)

    • Reach out to education and training organizations to learn which of their programs will bring you to your next "career stepping stone" most time-effectively and cost-effectively

  6. If everything feels right, go for it. If not, repeat the process until it does.​


Career Callings is for you if you are:


  • A student wishing to identify your career callings, your purpose, and plan immediate next steps

  • A teacher or counselor wishing to help your students/clients discover their purpose and plan next steps

  • A parent, grandparent, or guardian wishing to help young people you love discover their purpose and plan their next steps

  • An adult wishing to explore more meaningful career prospects












Career Callings lets you select any UN Global GOAL and see the TARGETS world leaders have agree on, and examples of global organizations that focus on it. For each TARGET you'll see examples of local employers you could work for, occupations they employ, and education and training options. Based on your unique interests, skills, and values, you'll discover which goals and targets most call to you. 


Between work, family, and community activities you will be engaged in many of the 17 Goals in your lifetime. If the career path you choose initially isn't what you hoped, or if you learn about better ones, you can reset your sights on new targets anytime.


The important thing is that you are happy, and your work has meaning for you. After all, you will be working or volunteering for about 50% of the hours you are awake for the rest of your life. You want to love your work, knowing that you are following your career callings, living an authentic life, and doing your part to make the world better.

Instead of asking what you will be, it can be more meaningful to ask what you want to do to make the world better.


Today’s world faces enormous challenges, like poverty, hunger, inequality, species extinction, homelessness, tribalism, and climate change. Realizing the urgency, and the need for everyone to pitch in, the UN Global Goals have been agreed to by all world leaders to build a greener, fairer, better world. We all have a role to play in achieving them.


There are 17 Goals and 169 Targets. For those wishing to do their part to make the world better this is the perfect framework to use in discovering their career calling, or purpose.

Land Acknowlegement:

The land on which we work in present day Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada, is the traditional unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq Peoples, the "Dawnland Conferacy." This territory is covered by the “Treaties of Peace and Friendship” which Mi'kmaq, Wolastoqewiyik (Maliseet) and Passamaquoddy Peoples first signed with the British Crown in 1726 recognizing Mi’kmaq and Wolastoqewiyik (Maliseet) title and established the rules for an ongoing relationship between the nations.

Copyright 2024, Phil Jarvis

Do not reproduce without permission and citing the source.

Created with pride by Ristovaaa.


Career Planning
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