Reimagining Education
to graduate life-ready world-changers

Chief Education Reimagineer
Hello, I'm Phil Jarvis.
Rather than using tests and grades to differentiate, if public education focused on igniting and channeling students’ sense of purpose, wonder, innocence, justice, creativity, hope, and unbounded potential, the world would be kinder, more equitable, healthier, and more sustainable.
These days, I'm focused on:
Career Coaching. Ontario is investing up to $14 million in 2024-25 to expose all Grade 9 and 10 students to career coaches. The Ministry of Education selected the Halton Industry Education Council to coordinate this unprecedented initiative. As an honorary HIEC team member, I'm helping strategize how career coaches working in high-demand economic sectors will complement the work of guidance teacher-counsellors, community organizations, and parents to provide coaches for 315,000 students.
Co-hosting and curating HIEC's Parents as Career Coaches Podcast. Throughout my career, educators have lamented the difficulty of getting parents engaged in their children's education and career development. With inspiring and engaging guests and free online resources, we provide parents with the motivation and practical tools to engage more with their children in purposeful career and life planning.​​​
I recently launched Career Callings, a FREE online resource to help youth and adults find their purpose by exploring ways they are called to make the world better using the UN Global Goals. I encourage you to try it and share the link with your networks. "Callings are urgings from the deep self that tell us what it will take to make our lives literally “come true.” They point us toward awakenings, course corrections, and powerful authenticity." Gregg Levoy, Callings
Every child possesses the most remarkable, renewable, expandable, natural resource on the planet – a human brain – with limitless capacity for wonder, imagination, creativity, empathy, and love.
Children haven’t yet fully accepted boundaries of convention, convenience, prejudice, hate, or inertia to which many adults have surrendered. Once they find their purpose, every child has the potential for prodigious accomplishments in any field she or he cares deeply enough about.
Rather than marks and grades, if public education focused on igniting and channeling students’ sense of purpose, wonder, innocence, justice, creativity, hope, and unbounded potential, in less than a generation the world will be kinder, more equitable, and healthier in every sense.

We face big challenges in today’s world: poverty, hunger, inequality, species extinction, homelessness, tribalism, and climate change are just some of the issues we need to address urgently.
Big challenges need bold action, and that is where the Global Goals come in. They are agreed to by all world leaders to build a greener, fairer, better world, and we all have a role to play in achieving them.
There are 17 Goals and many positive actions you can take. So which should you focus on? Here's a quiz to help you discover that three Goals that are most important to and things you can start doing today to make a difference.
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Responding to questions from Raza Abbas

Thoughtexchange Virtual Event. Helping Students Find Their WHY.